A safe & suitable playground surface
a key factor in reducing injuries that can occur from accidents with in the playground or play area. The surface – both underneath and around playground equipment (within the specified fall-space) should be free of standing water & debris and impact absorbing enough to soften any trips or falls.
Although grass is commonly used as a basic surface for low-level equipment, it is worth bearing in mind that this type of surface becomes unsafe as soon as the grass starts to wear & thin. The underlying soil can also become compacted through high use and certain weather conditions can add to this problem. In these instances, in dry conditions a soil/grass surface can become baked as hard as concrete.
Another reason for not using a grass surface is that loose-fill surfaces (such as safety play rubber chippings) disperse quickly on impact, absorbing energy from even high impact falls such as from a slide or swing. This helps to prevent long bone fractures which are most commonly caused by playground falls.
Loose-fill surfaces also add play value in their own right, adding to the overall sensory experience for the child. By using Safety Play you open up the opportunity for children to use this surface as a part of their activities. By being able to move, transport and create shapes with the play surfacing material, children are more able to play using their imaginations. Loose-fill surfaces also encourage children to explore the effect of gravity & movement which helps them to learn through play.
In this electronic age, it is a sad fact that there are an increasing number of children who are lacking in the very basic spatial awareness skills that can only be learnt through outdoor play. By using a suitable play surfacing material to the recommended depth, you can create a safe environment in which children can learn how to balance, swing, jump, spin, climb, bounce and more importantly play safely enabling them to better develop their gross motor skills.
Safety play rubber chippings are available in a variety of vibrant colours that won’t rub or wash off. The colours available are; Brick Red, Blue, Green, Grey, Plum, Black and Brown. Safety Play only supply water-proof, colour-fast chippings that will not stain children’s clothes.
All recognised play surfaces are tested to conform to BS EN 1177. This test provides the thickness required for each type of play surface up to a given fall-height. You can find our certificate here.
It is worth keeping in mind that even with the recommended play surfacing, you cannot prevent all injuries. What you can do though, by following these simple guidelines is to reduce the severity of any fall-related injuries
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